Monday, February 4, 2013

Miso Soup with Tofu.

Whenever I make sushi you always have to have a bowl of miso soup to go with it. This recipe is easy and it how I make it. As always you can do your own thing as you make it each time.


Miso paste...I prefer white miso.....white miso is made from soybeans
One big bag of Shitake mushrooms....freeze dried sliced...this is the easiest and cheapest way I have found.
Extra firm tofu
green onions
sesame seeds toasted
filtered water

This is a recipe good for about two people.

In a small soup pan add in about 3 to 4 cups filtered water
a large hand full of freeze dried Shitake mushrooms.

Simmer on low/ medium until mushrooms are soft. I simmer about 15 minutes till almost at a boil. Turn down heat to low or warm. This is what they refer to as a Dashi soup base.

Not at this time you can strain out your mushrooms and cut them up into small pieces or you can break them up not small pieces when you first add them since they are crisp. Kind of easier that way.

Cut up your tofu into small square chunks. You will only need about a fourth of the tofu block. Add to your water mushroom base.

Spoon out some miso and then mix into the hot water. This can take a few minutes as the miso is think but it will dissolve into the water.

Now you will have to add several spoon-fulls depending on how you like the flavor of your miso to be. More will make it saltier.

After you dissolve all to taste warm it up a bit and then add your green cut up onions and stir in. Don't let your soup sit and simmer for long periods of time. The miso will end up chalky.

Serve up with a sprinkle of toasted sesame seeds garnish on top.

Where to purchase Miso paste???

You can go to any of your Asian type food stores to get it. I have also ordered it online from the Asian Food Grocer. Great place with reasonable priced food stuff and great price for shipping too. You can get your mushrooms there too.

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