Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Extra Leftover Meat ??

How we use that extra and sometimes mystery meat in the FRIDGE....and if you know us, yes the meat very well can be a mystery of some animal. LOL :)

Ok so you have some extra steak or pork from the night or nights before hanging out in the fridge? That happens alot in our fridge. This week I had a couple steaks and some cut of pork steaks so I cut them up into small pieces and put them all in our electric skillet.

One package of gravy mixed with one cup of water
One large can of creme of mushroom soup

Pour over meat in skillet.
You may want to add a bit more water but be careful cause the soup will cooked down thinner.
Let simmer for as long as you want.
Serve over rice or mashed potatoes.

Mix of meat in the skillet

Mix of meat and creme of mushroom soup and gravy.